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A member registered Feb 04, 2021

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Same, I just played it about a week ago. It's luck paying me back for every other VN I start being discontinued.

German-Batavian border*

Yeah but that was just theatrics and the characters seem unnervingly unphased.

Dating sin is a good descriptor. 

Hes still playing...


I abolished slavery and gave women rights then immediately lost because my peace reached 0.


Scariest game I have ever played.

You're in the middle seat!!

But they still use that, no..? The three irreligious options have different reactions and theres no moment where you can choose a route and it just depends on which characters you spend time with the most. 

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Huh why did they remove that?? Was a little disappointed when I came to that decision and it was like "say youre irreligious (good) , say youre irreligious (neutral), or say your irreligious (bad)" as a Christian.

It's nice to see some good religious representation with Carolos as a Christian, can't wait to see whats done with the character. 

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I absolutely love how it starts off as a cute fun low stakes VN and then suddenly you can just like die basically out of nowhere.

One of the best VNs currently out, can't wait for the next update.

Weapons and Combat 5.
Wouldn't you still need to aim in front of the beast as the rocket is not accelerating in the direction in which you and the beast are moving but rather in the direction you shot it..? If you are moving fast enough, you would miss should you aim directly at the beast.

Yeah I'm not justifying anything, IMO the situation with the VN creator is gross but the original commenter kind of implying that every relationship that doesn't follow American federal law is automatically pedophilia. Also for statutory rape, it really depends on the state. Some forbid relationships with people that have a 10 year age gap for example but generally the AoC is the age when statutory rape can no longer be applied. 

I wish people would provide examples for the repetitive dialogue which is such a common complaint that I apparently completely missed during all of my playthroughs... Of course the dialogue can be a little slow at times but it was never even close to being bad enough for me to consider putting it in any kind of review especially for a game thats intended to be very slice of life. 

Yes, no, no. It takes place a while after the events of Adastra while the MC of the first game is back on Earth, you play as a diplomat to Khemia. The VN isn't finished yet though its in development and there will likely be another update this month.

Actually it just came to my attention that the US AoC isnt even a federal law! Its up to the states! And most states have lowered it!! So apparently half of America (including New York) is behind on the times but like Tennessee isn't. I always have loved country music.

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Heres a video from England that will mortify everyone across the pond. Of course a majority said no, but the fact that it was even on the table of debate even shocks me a bit.

"Behind on the times"??? Ugh I hate when Americans do this. Since when did American morality become the standard for the world? Since when did having other cultures become being "behind on the times"? The American AoC is just as arbitrary as countries with lower ages, the human brain fully develops at 25 so until you raise it I don't see how a country having consent laws at 16 is wrong.

Heres a map of age of consent in Europe, America is an outlier even in the developed world. I'll be honest I support a high AoC but thats my individual moral opinion and other people and other cultures are something that I don't have the authority to dictate. 

Do you still have your eyes?


I do

This is my favourite Yaoi game 

Yes, it was put in hiatus for a while but work has restarted again.

Extremely underrated compared compared to the other Adastra sequel, hopefully it finishes eventually.